About Us

The Balancing Tonic was conceived out of the realization that we humans and our animals are not infallible. No matter how we treat our horses, dogs, cats (and ourselves) the body breaks down…

So, out of this observation on her own horses, the founder of The Balancing Tonic, Paulette Massicotte, began to add this WHOLE BODY TONIC to her horse’s feed, twice a day, thinking that if it has kept her healthy over the last 50 years she has been drinking it, then why not the horses.

The results were so incredible that her equestrian friends and then many others observed the change in the overall health of her horse, the one that had consistent circulation challenges, and she then thought well why not…

You see it was her father-in-law, Carl Jurak, who developed this one-of-a-kind herbal and mineral formula back in the 1920’s and 1930’s and actually began the commercialization of it in 1943…but, for humans!

So if it was good enough for humans, she thought it must be good enough for animals! And so did a lot of other who came to that conclusion as she began to offer that very same human product commercially for horses, first in the Wellington area, and then nationally. She called it The Balancing Tonic for good reason, as that is exactly what it does. The results are a horse that returns to good/better health from whatever ails them. It is called Homeostasis!

Paulette has been a horse lover for over 60 years, learning to ride in her teens and going on to competing in Hunter classes as an adult. She began to spend the winter equestrian season in Wellington, FL with her 2 daughters as early as 1990. Her older daughter, Alexa Jurak, was already training regularly at the age of 5 and went on to become Canadian Junior Champion at the Royal Winter Fair by the time she was 17. Sabrina Jurak, the second younger daughter, also became a rider and horse lover (and Tonic lover) and so it was decided to make Wellington home.

So: What is this “ABOUT” page really all about?

It is about how a uniquely beneficial formula has been made available for all horse lovers who want to keep their horses in great health. Please read through the website and pay particular attention to the Success Stories as they really do “Tell All”.

The reason is because of a concept not well understood by many: the body and all its parts really are all connected in one fashion or another and everything is interdependent so if balance can be achieved, then the body functions better/correctly and the imperfections begin to disappear/subside.

So, that is the promise of The Balancing Tonic.

Please join us and keep your animals (and yourself) healthy (and happy)!