The Science of The Balancing Tonic

The Balancing Tonic, is a tonic composed of  health giving substances found and extracted from plants. Substances of great values are found in diverse plants. Some of these are found in the roots, some in the seeds and some in the flowers. Each plant has its own secret treasures, which are often hidden in a peculiar manner.

When extracts are made to prepare The Balancing Tonic, many plants are used. Of some of these plants, only the roots, or leaves or seeds or flowers, each at its correct season are used, which gives the right quality of its constituents.

When these plants are combined, for their greater effect or for a multitude of effects, great caution has to be exercised to achieve the desired overall effect. This must be done by scientifically trained workers with long and exacting training and preferably long experience.

Over 75 years ago, when this original formula was finally mastered by Carl I. Jurak, the research had been perfected to a very exacting science. Everything prepared for The Balancing Tonic is followed through scientifically. Nothing is left to chance. This, of course, gives you the quality and uniformity that are essential for good results. What makes a plant extract so valuable is hard to explain in words; it is even hard to explain scientifically. There are many factors, hormones, trace minerals, various vegetable acids, and mineral salts that are the same as their inorganic opposites but behave chemically differently, and often give results quite opposite to the inorganic compounds.

The role of The Balancing Tonic is to act in the blood as a balancer and as a catalyst. Naturally, as the blood is the very source of life and health, the influence through the blood on the major and minor glands in the system is like a flow of health throughout the body.


In short, The Balancing Tonic is a special preparation in the form of a tonic, to help keep the blood healthy. It accomplishes this by helping to regulate blood chemical and biological balance. It has the property to keep the walls of the blood vessels clean.

It has catalytic properties to render chemical processes and conversions more efficient and more assimilable to the blood. It also contains rich sources of trace minerals and organic acids to supplement these to the blood chemistry if lacking. It so contributes to keep blood in good shape to do its job of giving life and wellbeing to the body.


Good blood is the blood that is properly fed from the outside bodily sources. Much goes into making of good blood. Proper food, proper air, proper amounts of sunshine, and above all, proper intake of minerals, vitamins as well as energy matter called proteins and carbohydrates.

Yet, if at times the composition of chemical intake is wrong, deficient, or one-sided, for a prolonged period of time, this may cause a chain reaction in the body, which may or may not manifest itself immediately, but it will eventually, more or less severely. In cases of a strong constitution (which may be the results of heredity or simply built-in resistance), the body will go on without showing any apparent defect, yet suffer nevertheless a process of devitalization.
Generally, however, the effect on health manifests itself in a short time. This may show up in one part or organ of the body or in several parts simultaneously, or again, in the function of the system as a whole.


  • The Balancing Tonic is a tonic, prepared for the wellbeing of the blood.
  • The blood is the source of life and wellbeing.
  • The blood feeds the glands and keeps them in good order and in functional harmony.
  • The glands are the source of wellbeing of the body.

The Balancing Tonic gives to the blood health giving substances, which balance, purify, oxygenate and activate the blood, which in turn influences the body glands, and these in turn, regulate the systems and create conditions which bring well-being.


  • for vitality
  • for improved focus
  • for stress relief
  • for relief of tension and nervousness
  • for a body that lacks suppleness
  • for sustained energy
  • for brighter eyes
  • for lessening overexcitement
  • for calming where easily upset or frightened
  • for regularizing abnormal appetite
  • for digestive support
  • for improved coat and sheen

It will put a system in good functioning order and remove many defects that are brought about by lack of certain vital substances in the blood, which have made some glands overactive and some under-active.

The Balancing Tonic helps to keep the stomach in order, kidneys and liver clean, the blood pure and the bowels free. All of which gives the added zest to compete.

Within a body are the endocrines. There are also hundreds of other glands but these other glands, for the most part, do minor jobs, important only to their own regions of the body. The endocrines, however, affect the entire body and total personality of a horse.
Through control of the body, the endocrines dominate emotional responses. What we call “not feeling himself ” is actually the horse’s body’s response to the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands.
The hormones and chemicals produced by the adrenals and the other endocrines have the power to affect; weight; attitude; virtually everything.



The most important gland in the body is the pituitary. The pituitary carries signals of emotional disturbance from the nervous system to the other endocrine glands, especially the thyroid, adrenals and gonads. The pituitary affects sexual functions, growth, intelligence, ability to see, and blood pressure. The pituitary can affect the flow of a mare’s milk or it can cause menstrual disorders.


If a body’s machinery is working too swiftly or too slowly, the thyroid gland may be failing to do its work properly. The thyroid controls the body’s consumption of oxygen. Doctors call this the “basal metabolic rate”. An over-active thyroid can cause nervousness, irritability, and an increase in sexual drive.  Thyroid hormones regulate the basal metabolic rate and are important in growth, regulation of body temperature and carbohydrate metabolism.

An abnormal thyroid may be due to lack of iodine which is one of the vital elements in The Balancing Tonic.


The parathyroid glands enable a body to use the calcium. If teeth and bones are to be good, the parathyroids must function normally. If the parathyroids furnish too much calcium, bones might become excessively brittle or kidney stones could develop which would probably result in a horse that is lazy mentally and physically.


The adrenals secrete extra amounts of their hormone. This speeds up the heart, halts action in the digestive system, makes a body less susceptible to fatigue. The liver releases energy-giving sugar into the blood stream…making a body ready for action. The adrenals also affect the sexual interest and they stimulate secretions from the gonads. Under-active adrenals can give their victims weakness, poor blood circulation, insomnia.


The pancreas is the gland that produces insulin. The insulin passes directly into the blood stream where it regulates the body’s use of sugar as fuel. If the pancreas produces insufficient insulin, sugar will accumulate in the blood, producing the condition called diabetes mellitus by scientists. Suffering from over-active pancreas results in bodies having an excess of insulin, and sugar is burned up too fast. This can result in a low level of activity.

The Balancing Tonic  is a preparation with a special action on the blood from where the benevolent influence spreads throughout the body. It helps to regularize, and put in order, each and every part of a bodily system.

This is the role of The Balancing Tonic.


This definition of a tonic clearly excludes the notion of “making stronger” by pushing the body in one direction only. A particular non-tonic drug or herb designed to enhance the function of the immune system, for example, might stimulate the production of white blood cells. Goldenseal is an example of this kind of action. Administered to an ailing patient, it would increase T-cell activity and enhance other immunological functions. That’s all it would “know” how to do. It would not be able to recognize the difference between a body deficient in white blood cells and one that had too many white blood cells. Its action is uni-directional. It carries but one signal to the body system; in this example, to produce more white blood cells. This over-stimulation could lead to severe imbalances, and it is unlikely that such an agent would be able to address the problem of an over-reactive immune system, as, for example, in a person with an allergy.

In contrast, an immunotonic is an herb that restores balance to the immune system function no matter which way it departs from normal. It is bidirectional. Echinacea is such an herb. It is capable of sending either of two possible contradictory signals to the body. Thus, in a person with depressed white blood cell counts, Echinacea sends a signal to the body to begin producing more white blood cells, and in a person with too many white blood cells, it decelerates the production of white blood cells. It stabilizes the histamine-containing mast cell membrane in persons with hay fever rather than sensitizing it, as do many immune-enhancers.

The concept of a tonic sounds strange to modern ears. We simply have not made room in our medical or nutritional agendas for a concept of a substance that restores balance. This will change as the medical community begins to realize that many modern plagues may be prevented, and even treated by maintaining optimum health in all body systems. Such a re-orientation of thought demands that much less emphasis be placed on finding and killing “germs”, and much more on increasing the body systems natural defenses and restorative powers. The concept of the herbal tonic will be a signpost for the new research.

In summary, tonics do not over-stimulate the body. They are bidirectional, capable of both increasing and decreasing the activity of body processes. Herbs whose action is bidirectional (or, sometimes, multidirectional) are called tonics. As far as I know, there are no bidirectional drugs, nor is any effort currently under way to invent any. In order to conceptualize drugs as materials for restoring balance, the scientific world will have to undergo a total paradigm shift; it is not ready to do that.